

22 July 2021 Places

Dubrovnik and Lokrum: places to amaze you

You simply have to experience with all your senses this city with an incredibly turbulent history, which is also one of the most popular global destinations. It has been bustling with tourists for decades and when it became the chosen spot for filming some of the most memorable scenes in Game of Thrones, it underwent another of its renewals. Tourists from around the world explore the narrow cobbled streets and century-old fortresses of Dubrovnik, and it has become one of the most popular holiday destinations for people everywhere.

The expected hot summer before us can be an ideal opportunity to seek refreshment in the walls of this fairy-tale town in the south of Croatia. By flying with Air Serbia, which takes only one hour and 15 minutes, you can quickly find yourself at one of the most attractive summer destinations in the world. Because of the interest that persists over the years, Air Serbia offers its clients a journey to Dubrovnik on any of the many seasonal flights. This means that in the period between May and October, Air Serbia will introduce additional flights from Belgrade to Dubrovnik and back, and departures can be booked from other towns as well. Booking tickets for your desired flights is even easier through our website, while subscribing to our newsletter allows you to keep up to date with our excellent prices to all destinations that work with Air Serbia.

Dubrovnik- City of bastions and mystical castles

The history of Dubrovnik hits you as soon as you leave the airport. The town symbols are its walls and bastions. Throughout the centuries they served as defences from threatening conquerors who besieged it primarily because of its geographic position. Despite being at a trading crossroads at that time in Europe, Dubrovnik relentlessly kept both Turks and Italians at bay. The length of the impressive bastion which rises above the water is 1,940 metres, and the walls that we all enjoy today were raised in the 13th century. At that time, the powerful Ragusa republic employed only the finest Italian builders to project and create this stone bulwark which would through later centuries endure and survive various attacks and devastating earthquakes. Inside them lie some of the most beautiful fortresses of Dubrovnik, churches and an impressive viewpoint. The fortress of Mirčeta is the highest point of this town, from here you can enjoy an incredible panoramic view over city and sea. Alongside fortress Bokar, Mirčeta was key in the defence of Dubrovnik. Tours of Lovrenac, St. Ivan fortress and Revelin are also worth your time. Apart from simple walks along the bastion and walls, tourists can encounter the friendly locals and get to know real Mediterranean life.

Walking through the streets of Dubrovnik is a journey through the ages

History and tourism collide on the streets of Dubrovnik. This can be best seen on the Stradun, Dubrovnik’s most famous pedestrian area. As the lifeblood of the Old Town, this street is an unavoidable tourist attraction where you can see some of the most famous buildings in Dubrovnik, but also feel the pulse of the modern spirit of the city. The Placa, as the locals call this street, stretches between the two main entrances to the city – The Pila gate, and the Ploča gate. A long time ago there was only one way to enter the city, by crossing ancient bridges in front of these gates. Even though they no longer serve to prevent unwanted guests from entering the city, the bridges remain in place and are a landmark to themselves. These are also the favourite gathering areas of the local populace. Other interesting historic attractions lie along this street, making it a great place for visitors to experience the city architecture. A relaxed walk along the Stradun will take you past the Prince’s castle, Sponza palace, St. Vlah’s church and the Frankish cloister. Should you go down one of the side streets, in minutes you will find yourself at the Cathedral. Stradun never sleeps and is always packed with tourists. Local street performers and entertainers put on fascinating acts on the cobbled roads, so a visit can quickly turn into an interesting adventure. When you get tired, seek refreshments in one of the many cafés or restaurants.

Get to know the locals and the smell of the sea

Dubrovnik is a city whose history is directly tied to the water that surrounds it on one side. So Dubrovnik puts on new events each year for its visitors to get to know life by the sea. Amongst the popular attractions is the port, where you can spend a pleasant afternoon enjoying the fairy-tale sights. Apart from it once holding great value on the map of maritime trade, this harbour was a docking place for people coming from the whole world to Dubrovnik. In this part of the city you will see impressive breakwaters, ramparts that protected the port from destructive waves and enemy attacks. In the eastern part of the town, you can visit an interesting and unique complex of buildings. This is Lazaret, a kind of quarantine complex built in the middle of the 17th century, to quarantine travellers who came to Dubrovnik from the parts of the world affected by the plague.

This complex has been well maintained until this day and it can be visited and photographed. Inside you can find art workshops, young painter clubs and a stage where the locals perform country dances. If you are walking through this part of town at lunchtime, don’t miss out on the legendary Gradska Kavana café or Arsenal tavern. Here, you can try seafood specialties and truly get to know the unique flavours of the Mediterranean.

The surroundings of Dubrovnik offer visitors an escape from the city bustle

If you’d like an alternate view of Dubrovnik, the gondola which the town acquired a few years ago will take you to the top of Srđ hill in four minutes. On board, you have a view of the whole city, which can also be seen from the restaurant at the top. Your outing to Dubrovnik’s surroundings can be continued by exploring the island. On Lokrum island, which has been declared a nature reserve, there are many cacti, succulents, and eucalyptuses. You can bathe in the Dead Sea here, a lake connected to the open sea. Fort royal also lies here, built at the time of the French occupation at the beginning of the 19th century. The Elaphiti archipelago consists of many small islands including three inhabited ones that you can visit over the course of one day. Sandy beaches, restaurants that perform gastronomic miracles, old Croatian churches and the Prince’s castle all await you here. These islands are an unavoidable destination for all lovers of contemporary art, because here you can also find the art pavilion known as Your Black Horizon which is always active. On these islands, you will also see hills with vines and olive trees, and an easy walk will take you to the summer house of the Skočibuha-Stjepanović family, a tourist attraction of these islands. Finally, you can find shelter from the relentless coastal sun in Trsten, which lies just 20 kilometres east of Dubrovnik. Named after the abundance of reeds that grow in this area, Trsten is home to the two largest and oldest plane trees in Europe. Another attraction is Arboretum Trsten, composed of several historical units. This oasis of beauty and peace is rich with rare plant species. A key component of the Arboretum is the water that springs from multiple fountains that you will find breathtaking. The place has a strong romantic atmosphere, and famous painters and writers have created their most inspired pieces here.

In planning your visit to Dubrovnik, Air Serbia is with you through every step. You can buy your ticket at special prices if you sign up to our Newsletter, and here you can read all about rent-a-car services or the nearest accommodation.


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