Flights from Ankara to Bari

Flights from Ankara to Bari for upcoming months

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Located on the southern part of the Adriatic, is the second largest city in southern Italy and the capital of the province of Apulia. Bari consists of four different urban quarters. The old town is located on a peninsula between two modern ports, with the Basilica of St. Nicholas, the Cathedral of San Sabino and the Hohenstaufen Castle, which is also the main nightlife district. The entire region of Apulia is known for its gastronomy, based on three typical agricultural products: wheat, olive oil and wine. Pasta al forno, a dish made of baked pasta, is very popular in Bari. The climate is typically Mediterranean with warm, dry and sunny summers and mild, rainy winters.

Discover more of Bari

Bari – a miniature delight in the south of Italy

FAQ about your flight to Bari

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Bari?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Bari is around 1h 40 min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Bari?

Bari time zone is UTC +1.

What is the currency used in Bari?

The currency used in Bari is euro(EUR).