Flights from Sarajevo to Vienna

Flights from Sarajevo to Vienna for upcoming months

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Flights from Sarajevo to Vienna {price_modifier}starting at **Flights.FromLowestPrice**

The capital of the Habsburg Emperors for centuries, Vienna has always been adorned by the gorgeous buildings featuring different epochs and styles. There are few cities that can boast such offer of museums and sumptuous palaces. The Prater Amusement Park and the great panoramic wheel are a brand of the city and entertainment for all generations. When you arrive in the capital city of Austria, make sure you drop by at one of the many pastry shops and try cakes made to please the taste of Vienna’s aristocrats.

Discover more of Vienna

An alternative guide to Vienna

FAQ about your flight to Vienna

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Vienna?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Vienna is around 1h 30min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Vienna?

Vienna is UTC+2.

What is the currency used in Vienna?

The currency used in Vienna is the euro(EUR).