Flights from Copenhagen to Sofia

Flights from Copenhagen to Sofia for upcoming months

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The city at the foot of Vitosha Mountain with its unique architecture and rich cultural heritage is increasingly attracting numerous visitors from Europe. Old for more than two millennia, Sofia preserves features from different epochs – remains of the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Soviet past can be found throughout the city. The ancient streets of the city of Serdika, hidden for centuries, have recently been discovered. The ancient name of the city that stood here during the Roman Emperors time became one of the most interesting attractions in the city. The famous symbol of Sofia – the monumental church of Alexander Nevsky, is a true masterpiece of the Orthodox architecture. Visitors are always welcome, so do not miss the opportunity to visit this church during your stay.

FAQ about your flight to Sofia

What is average flight time from Sofia?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Sofia is around 1h 10min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Sofia?

Sofia time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Sofia?

The currency used in Sofia is bulgarian lev(BGN).

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