Flights from Athens to Larnaka

Flights from Athens to Larnaka for upcoming months

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*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking.

Flights from Athens to Larnaka {price_modifier}starting at **Flights.FromLowestPrice**

Situated on the southern coast of Cyprus, Larnaka is famous for its beaches and well kept coastline, where both locals and tourists unwind. With your holiday in the city, the rich tourist offer includes visits to museums that keep collections of cultural heritage from the Byzantine and Ottoman times. Thus, you shouldn’t miss the church of St. Lazarus and the fortress of Larnaca. Thanks to its geographical position, Larnaka is an ideal starting point for exploring the island.

Discover more of Cyprus

Cyprus – Where the Flamingos Land

FAQ about your flight to Larnaka

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Larnaka?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Larnaka is around 2h 25min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Larnaka?

Larnaka time zone is UTC +3.

What is the currency used in Larnaka?

The currency used in Larnaka is euro(EUR).