Flights from Athens to Salzburg

Flights from Athens to Salzburg for upcoming months

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In the literal translation Salzburg means "the salt castle" and the name originates from the Middle Ages when the Salzach River was used for salt transportation. This important trade route contributed to the fact that on the site of the present city there was a castle, around which the city expanded and developed over the centuries. And over these centuries, Salzburg has left a trace in the history of civilization: its baroque architecture of the old city has been included in the list of cultural heritage of UNESCO, and it is also known as the city of classical music in which Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born.

Discover more of Salzburg

Salzburg – an Enchanting, Baroque, West European City

FAQ about your flight to Salzburg

What is average flight time from Salzburg?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Salzburg is around 2h 00min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Salzburg?

Salzburg time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Salzburg?

The currency used in Salzburg is euro(EUR).

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