Flights from Ankara to Malaga starting at

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The city of Malaga was founded in the 8th century, at the southernmost end of Spain, in the Andalusia province. It is located on the Coast of the Sun (Costa del Sol) and it has approximately 300 sunny days a year. It is known for numerous historical and cultural landmarks, such as the La Alcazaba, Gibralfaro Castle, Picasso Museum, and Málaga's Centre of Contemporary Art. This city, the sixth biggest in Spain, is the birthplace of the famous painter Pablo Picasso.

FAQ about your flight to Malaga

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Malaga?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Malaga is around 3h 35 min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Malaga?

Malaga time zone is UTC +1.

What is the currency used in Malaga?

The currency used in Malaga is euro(EUR).

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