Flights from Ankara to Frankfurt

Flights from Ankara to Frankfurt for upcoming months

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As the seat of some of the world's largest corporations, Frankfurt is one of the most important financial points on the map of Europe. The fact that the city on the Main is not a typical German city is confirmed by the business district known as "Mainhattan". Outstanding impressive skyscrapers, a masterpiece of contemporary architecture, arise from the district. What is important is that Frankfurt is not just a business destination. The Old Town, located opposite numerous seats and representative offices of companies, is adorned by medieval houses and worn down cobbled pavements. There are plenty of hidden cafes, pubs and clubs, which make the Frankfurt's night life similar to the one of Berlin.

Discover more of Frankfurt

What to Visit in Frankfurt: A Guide for Culture and Art Lovers

FAQ about your flight to Frankfurt

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Frankfurt?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Frankfurt is around 2h 5min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Frankfurt?

Frankfurt time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Frankfurt?

The currency used in Frankfurt is euro(EUR).