Flights from Ljubljana to Heraklion starting at

Flights from Ljubljana to Heraklion for upcoming months

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Top round trip offers from Ljubljana to Heraklion


Ljubljana (LJU)to

Heraklion (HER)
11/08/2024 - 21/08/2024




Seen: 1 day ago

*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking.

Flights from Ljubljana to Heraklion {price_modifier}starting at **Flights.FromLowestPrice**

Heraklion is a crossroads of three continents and one of the liveliest places in the Mediterranean. The capital of Crete is marked by a host of historical landmarks, museums and art festivals, and an incredible nightlife bustling throughout the year. To get to know Heraklion, start from the old port where the medieval shipyard is still located. From there, walking down the August Street, you'll reach the Cathedral of St. Titus built in 1872. You should also visit one of the most important museums in Greece, the archaeological museum - the home of unique treasures of the Minoan civilization. Just five kilometres from Heraklion, there is the ancient city Knossos, where, according to legend, the Minotaur lived. Before heading back home, make sure to buy the well-known Cretan olive oil, local wine, honey or spices. It will be a wonderful reminder of the days you've spent on Crete.

FAQ about your flight to Heraklion

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Heraklion?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Heraklion is around 1h 55min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Heraklion?

Heraklion time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Heraklion?

The currency used in Heraklion is euro(EUR).

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