Flights from Rhodes to Brussels

Flights from Rhodes to Brussels for upcoming months

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Flights from Rhodes to Brussels {price_modifier}starting at **Flights.FromLowestPrice**

The capital of Belgium and the seat of the European Union administration. The unique character of Brussels unites the numerous cultures of its inhabitants. The artistic and fashion scene that reeks of innovation and creativity does not lag too much behind the same one in Paris. An increasing number of galleries in which new as well as already confirmed names from the world of contemporary art have their expositions. Numerous bars ensue so that those who have plenty of obligations, after leaving the office, enjoy local beers and fried potatoes. The offer in city cafes, restaurants and bars will satisfy anyone’s taste. During your stay in Brussels, do not miss to taste the world-famous Belgian chocolate in colorful shops around the city.

Discover more of Brussels

What makes Brussels the ideal city to travel to?

FAQ about your flight to Brussels

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Brussels?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Brussels is around 2h 20min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Brussels?

Brussels time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Brussels?

The currency used in Brussels is euro(EUR).