Flights from Cairo to Pula

Flights from Cairo to Pula for upcoming months

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The Pula Arena is nowadays one of the best preserved monuments of the ancient world. Alongside its walls, tourists are impressed with the Roman temple, the triumphal gate and many other remains that make the Istrian city look like a large museum in the open. The city can boast the stunning nature and breath-taking landscapes. Do not miss the Brijuni, one of the most beautiful national parks in Croatia with a safari park. Wine lovers shouldn’t miss out tasting the best quality and authentic Istrian wines from the local wineries.

FAQ about your flight to Pula

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Pula?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Pula is around 1h 30 min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Pula?

Pula time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Pula?

The currency used in Pula is euro(EUR).