Flights from Prague to Ohrid

Flights from Prague to Ohrid for upcoming months

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The pearl of North Macedonia and the Jerusalem of the Balkans. Ohrid, one of the oldest European cities, is a centre of religion, history and culture.

Book your flight to Ohrid - visit a city of medieval architecture and walk down the cobblestone streets which bear witness to its long history. Ohrid's main attractions lie at the centre of its pedestrian zone, between the narrow streets of the Old town. From the ancient ruins that record the history of the great Macedonian empires and all the way to the modern coffee shops and restaurants, Ohrid strikes a perfect harmony between past and present. Lake Ohrid, this city's gem, preserves a history of over 3 million years, which is why the city itself is accepted as both a cultural and a natural World Heritage Site.

With its perfect beaches, the mountains that protect it and its authentic gastronomic culture, Ohrid is a heaven for tourists. Decorated with monasteries, castles, ancient theatres and over 360 churches, this city is an epicentre for research of the religion, history and culture of the Balkans.

FAQ about your flight to Ohrid

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Ohrid?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Ohrid is around 1h 30min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Ohrid?

Ohrid time zone is UTC +1.

What is the currency used in Ohrid?

The currency used in Ohrid is Macedonian denar(MKD).

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