Flights from Banja Luka to Nuremberg

Flights from Banja Luka to Nuremberg for upcoming months

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Flights from Banja Luka to Nuremberg {price_modifier}starting at **Flights.FromLowestPrice**

The first official records of Nuremberg originate from the 11th century when Emperor Henry III built the fortress in the north of the Bavaria around which there was a city arising and spreading during the Middle Ages. During its golden period of the Renaissance, Nuremberg has become a symbol of German arts and humanism, and today it is adorned with many sights such as the magnificent Nuremberg castle, the Gothic church of Saint Lorenzo, the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, or the house of the famous painter Albert Dircher. The city atmosphere and charm are most intensely felt at the legendary market of Haupmarkt, located in the heart of the Old Town, and the traditional taste is hidden in the famous Nuremberg sausages declared for the culinary heritage of Bavaria.

FAQ about your flight to Nuremberg

What is average flight time from Belgrade to Nuremberg?

The average flight time from Belgrade to Nuremberg is around 1h 50min. Some factors can affect the length of the flight, including the weather and the type of aircraft used.

What is the time zone in Nuremberg?

Nuremberg time zone is UTC +2.

What is the currency used in Nuremberg?

The currency used in Nuremberg is euro(EUR).

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